Tag Archives: Levitt AMP


The Levitt AMP grant applications are in—and soon, you will be able to help decide which towns and cities will have the chance to win $25K in matching funds to present their own free outdoor concert series! This year’s applicants span the entire country, from Vermont to Washington state, and all have the goal of revitalizing an underused public space in their communities through free, live music.

Because community involvement is the key to all Levitt programs, your votes make each Levitt AMP Music Series possible.  Online public voting opens next Tuesday, November 1, so rally your friends, family, neighbors, and colleagues now to sign up to vote

Change embodies creative placemaking focus for Foundation

Last month, we announced some exciting news—the work of our national nonprofit, Levitt Pavilions, will be carried out by the Mortimer & Mimi Levitt Foundation going forward, furthering our mission to strengthen communities across the country through free, live music.

Since 2005, the Levitt Foundation has awarded more than $20 million to its nonprofit partners and grantees to support free concerts in communities large and small. As Liz Levitt Hirsch, president of the Mortimer & Mimi Levitt Foundation, explained, “This exciting change signals our resolve to direct the majority of the Foundation’s philanthropy towards creative placemaking programs that focus on free concerts in public spaces. With funding now geared to one main cause, it made sense to place the operations of our national organization under one roof and to function as the Levitt Foundation, thus sunsetting Levitt Pavilions.” Continue reading

Last month, Levitt AMP grantees from across the country joined us in Los Angeles for the first-ever Levitt AMP Convening! There was a palpable sense of energy and enthusiasm with so many creative, passionate and determined individuals in one room. New and returning AMP grantees got to know one another while bringing their minds together and exchanging ideas and strategies for strengthening their communities through the power of free, live music. 

We can’t wait to see these folks bring the 2016 Levitt AMP Music Series to life!


What do you get when you take a troupe of jazz, funk and brass musicians, dress them in marching band costumes, throw in stilt-acrobatics, hula-hoopers and Vaudeville dancers and ask them to put on a show? 

An experience unlike any other…that goes by the name MarchFourth!

Get ready Charlottesville, because the larger-than-life marching band is coming to IX Art Park as part of the Levitt AMP Charlottesville Music Series! Learn more about the “circus funk” group before their free show this Friday. Continue reading

Applications for the 2016 Levitt AMP [Your City] Grant Awards are in, and we’re excited to begin the next phase of the grants competition!

Reflecting our commitment that each Levitt project be community-driven, YOUR votes help decide which small to mid-sized towns or cities win up to $25K in matching grants to present their own free outdoor concert series in 2016.

Online public voting opens November 2, so start rallying your friends, family, neighbors and colleagues to sign up to vote now!

LevittAMPMusicSeriesCan you believe it’s almost concert season again?

Levitt Arlington and Levitt Shell Memphis have released their artist lineups, Levitt SteelStacks has announced almost half of its 50+ free concerts and the Levitt venues in Los Angeles, Pasadena and Westport will also reveal theirs soon. In just a few months, 400+ free concerts will bring joy to communities all across America, including 10 new small to mid-sized towns and cities as part of the Levitt AMP Music Series!

Excited? We are! And we’re thrilled to announce the artists who will be playing the Levitt AMP AnchorageDenison and Frederick Music Series, all of which begin early this summer. You can view their lineups, read artist bios, RSVP for concerts, invite your friends, find parking information and more on our new Levitt AMP website, your destination for all things Levitt AMP! And once concert season gets underway, you’ll be able to see all 100 free Levitt AMP concerts happening across the country, as America’s largest concert series gets even larger.

Learn more about these three exciting projects kicking off the 2015 Levitt AMP Music Series! Continue reading

There’s a lot of movin’ and shakin’ at Levitt concerts. At any given show you’re bound to spot heads bobbing, toes tapping and, of course, some dancing divas (and divos) transforming any stretch of lawn they can find into their own personal dance floors. Young Jack Tracy would definitely be in this last category. Continue reading

Drumroll please…

The votes have been tallied and the review process has come to an end. The moment we’ve all been waiting for has finally arrived!

Today Levitt Pavilions and the Mortimer & Mimi Levitt Foundation awarded $250,000 in matching funds to 10 nonprofits serving small to mid-sized cities across America to present free outdoor concerts as part of the first-ever Levitt AMP [Your City] Grant Awards. A new chapter of Levitt history has begun!

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