Even if you’re not actively looking for it, the influence of mobile technology on our daily lives is obvious. Whether it’s an ad campaign for a next generation product, a scannable QR code on a flyer, or the person in front of you at the coffee shop scrolling through headlines on their smartphone, it’s hard to escape the ubiquity of cell phone usage. According to a 2013 poll by Pew Research Center, over 90% of adults in the U.S. now own cell phones, a vast increase from 65% in 2004. Of those phones, 56% are considered “smart,” which opens a whole new world of possibilities with just one word: apps.
As phones become increasingly indispensable, so too has the humble app. There are applications for nearly everything these days, from the mundane (email, navigation) to the niche (metal detectors, cuddle seekers in your local area), to the downright bizarre (Pimple Popper, a game where you, well, pop pimples for fun). When it comes to music, our first love here at Levitt, apps can help improve our listening experiences, allow us to create hooks or beats on the fly and expose us to new artists or genres that we might not have heard otherwise.
Just like when you’ve discovered an awesome song and you just have to tell the world, we’ve compiled a list of some of our favorite cool, lesser-known music apps to share with you! Whether they’re made for creation, discovery or organization, we hope one of these apps can add a little more music to your lives. Try them out, let us know what you think and happy downloading! Continue reading →