Tag Archives: music therapy

Screen-Shot-2015-05-25-at-3.49.51-PMIn today’s data-driven world, it’s perhaps only fitting that the modern-day mix tape was brought to life by an algorithm. In 2000, Pandora burst onto the scene, offering people a new kind of radio; breaking songs down into basic components, categorizing them and streaming playlists tailor-fit to listeners’ personal preferences. To date, there are over 250 million registered Pandora users—clearly, the creators of this platform were onto something.

The man behind the complex categorization system that powers Pandora (the Music Genome Project) is chief musicologist, Nolan Gasser, who recently posed the question: “How can we make use of that information to make our lives better?” To answer that question, he turned to music therapists, who show us day after day how music can in fact make our lives better—especially when something goes wrong. Today, we explore the possibly of Gasser’s relation-identifying algorithm making an even deeper impact than it has already made. Continue reading

Levitt Arlington drum circle participants came out in huge numbers before Playing For Change's show!

Levitt Arlington drum circle participants came out in huge numbers before Playing For Change’s show!

The first Levitt National Tour is underway. And while you may be coming out to see the phenomenal live performance by the World music group Playing For Change, if you get to the show early, you’ll notice something truly unique happening on the Levitt lawn: a community drum circle.

“A drum circle is an in-the-moment music event open to everyone, no experience needed,” says John Fitzgerald, a drum circle facilitator and Manager of Recreational Music Activities for Remo Incorporated. “The whole idea is that music is the vehicle to connect people, and a drum circle is about bringing people together.” Continue reading